General Information
Our delivery time is typically instant, if this is not the case, please reach out to us on the website by means of the support chat.
Searching for a specific manual is easy! You can use the search bar on our website to look for manuals by entering keywords, product names, or part numbers. You can also browse our categories to find the manual you’re looking for.
If you receive a manual that is incorrect or damaged, please reach out to our customer support team. We’ll be glad to assist you in getting the right manual..
Absolutely! If you can’t find a specific manual on our website, you can contact us to inquire about special orders. We’ll do our best to source the manual you need.
Generally, it’s instant. If you dont find the email with your links, please contact us by way of the Support chat on the bottom/right of all the website. We will get to you immediately
Not at this time. If you need to, use the live chat/support at the bottom of all the pages on the website. Our friendly team will be happy to assist you in placing your order.
Since delivery is instant, there is no need for tracking. We do have a live chat/support on theevery page of the website. feel free to reach out to us if you need any help or questions.
We’ve got you covered! Our team of experts is available to assist you in selecting the correct manual for your vehicle make and model. Simply contact our customer support by means of the live support on the website, and we’ll guide you through the process.
Products & Services
Absolutely. We take your security seriously. Our website employs the latest encryption technology to ensure that your credit card information is protected during the payment process.
We accept payment through major credit and debit cards, as well as secure online payment platforms like PayPal. Simply choose your preferred payment method during checkout.
We accept payment through major credit and debit cards, as well as secure online payment platforms like PayPal. Simply choose your preferred payment method during checkout.
Great news: No Shipping Charges. There are no Shipping charges due to the fact that this is an instant digital project. So rest assured, in a pinch, you can find your manual here! Pay here! And receive it instantly without be4ing charged shipping fees!
You can expect your manuals immediatly! in most cases right after sucessful paymen. The links will be given post checkout and emialed as well
Yes! Currently, our manuals are available in Digital format. This method has been and continues to be a service both technicians and/or car owners prefer due to how fast the experience experience is with our service.
Not at this time. You can rely on the checkout system including a live chat support team if/when needed.
because its a digital product, we do not offer a warranty and we do not accept returns/refunds. but we will listen to you and make a decision.